Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My Home !! No more :'( :'(

Finally we ( my family) called it quits today - 19th Nov,08.
Probably we had never faced a more painful experience (barring the few deaths in the household) in our entire lives than leaving Renukoot, the place which will remain my hometown forever.
At least for me this was the most heart wrenching experience, I have ever had. Renukoot, a small town in UP is where I had grown up and I would gladly say it as my "Janm Bhoomi". Renukoot is mostly inhabited by all the employees of Hindalco, and as it happens with all such small towns there is a great bonding between all. I grew up in Renukoot where I had all the elements of what I can say as made my upbringing a "Near Perfect" one. There were times in my life when I would accuse Renukoot for not having provided me with enough oppurtunities to build my career. At the age of 16.5 after finishing my school I had leave the place.
Probably that is when I realised the attraction of Mother Land. Down south where I was growing up and trying to get over my enginnering days, I realised the strong craving that I had for my home town. Visiting Renukoot would mean a new lease of life everytime.
Over time as I was exposed to the comforts of life going back to Renukoot was no more exciting. Going back to Renukoot not only taking a train which with coaches from the Pre-indepence era but then taking a bus which traversed through dilapidated roads.
Today however nothing remains. I will not have to travel again throug those roads. I wont have to take the same old ruined train anymore. Today, we finally bade-adieu to Renukoot. Today, when my dad and mom finally took the car for the station for the last time, probably a 100 people were there see them off. The department where my dad worked was there in entirity. All the neighbours were there. And all were emotional.
I couldnt gather enough courage to face this situation. I dint go to have the last look at my home town. But, I called up my neighnours immediately after my mom and dad left. They were all in tears. Everyone said what will happen to us now. How can we live here watching closed doors and dark rooms in the our flat. Tears rolled down my eyes while I sat in the confines of my room here, miles away from Renukoot.
I dont have any more accusations to make. What I have today are fond memories - of my school days when I would play cricket on the road with my friends, of those long hours of journey that I would take from Bangalore to reach home, of the neighbouring Aunty's roti and dal, of my School, of the local Durga Puja, the Holi that I played with my friends and finally of the farewell that my parents received from all the people that they had known over a period of 40yrs.
Today forever I would recall as the day when I migrate to another world of Non- recognizance.


Srini said...
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Srini said...

Thanks for enlightening us of the experiences you've had till u turned 16.5 It is a solemn wish from your most faithful reader to continue from where you left off so that you can complete the missing piece of my uneventful life.

VG said...

This is a feeling that comes to me on and off. Sometimes I feel I really miss the place but at others the thought is what is left there now?

After the retiring of most of my friend's dads, returning to renukoot was like confined just to my home, without any buddies to hang out with.

The only place I really miss is the Birla mandir, where I had spent innumerable evenings with a couple of friends, contemplating about everything under the sky.

Maverick's Musings said...

Yes you are absolutely right...
In the hindsight it does look like nothing is left friends, no great place to hangout even the teachers who taught us are not there..but again that is where we grew up and would carry a Bag full of memories to cherish for our lifetimes !!

Unknown said...

That's Life dear...from now on every 10 years will make you (or us) nostalgic about everything around you. I could find similarities of my own story from this piece of write-up and how i wish that i can live all that once again, may be just for a day.

Debasmita said...

You took me back to my childhood days.As i recollect....those days were truely wonderful. Alas!! in a day of quick communications such as twitter, SMS, emails and FB wall posts, everything has remained but for a “nostalgic effect”, this post is just too perfect!!

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