Monday, July 20, 2009

Entangled Life

I have been for sometime wondering whether technological advances have made my local life more messy these days. Nowadays when I go to bed the one thing I find myself surrounded by is dozens of wires, one for charging my cell phone, one for my table lamp, one for my laptop, one for the battery charger and the list goes on and on....literally speaking sometimes they tend to appear in my dreams as cobwebs spun around me by monstrous spiders...
Not even a decade back when i reflect I find that life was way more manageable... the only thing I was wired to was my table lamp. Now even as I travel, these filaments seem to catch me by my nerves...what if i forget my cell phone charger ?? what if i forgot to carry my laptop charger or if it goes bust??
Those were the days when there were no wires surrounding me. The only wires that I could see used to hang from the poles outside my house, which would be mostly seen having a wild swing during the winter season when the kids tried to pull down their kites which would get stuck in them...For that matter the wires outside my house gained a greater significance during our science classes. The teacher would explain to us why the wires between two poles were not taut.
Most of the wires outside however have now vanished..and as I write many more are for ever going underground (quite literally though).
None the less I hope technology of the future will be able to Untangle me from my entangled life..
Till then...I say....

Jai Ho !! [ seems to be the flavour of the season in Britain ;) ]

1 comment:

Angshu said...

nice posting dude
keep going...
all the ur entangled life... :)

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