An exhilerating experience to say the least..
Loads of villagers showed up for the event organised near Rakha Mines area of Jharkhand..
Keeping in mind the nature of the place, we also had a security cover thrown around us ( No Z+ category sadly :( ) !!
While the event was definitely one of the best learning experieces that we can take forward from XL, it was as much fun also...
Especially when interacting with so many villagers at one go, one has got to get some of the most wierd queries...
Two teams went to the village edition of the MAXI Fair..
It was like each time had its own sub-groups, which in turn had put up stalls...
The main draw of the event for the villagers was the fact that while each of them had their own share of games and fun, none of the participants turned out a loser...
Every villager participating in the event went out as a winner..
However as i said there were moments of fun as well...
And I cant let go my post without mentioning this one..
My stall had this event where we scared people about their future and wanted to know about what they would have liked to protect in cases of such scary future..
One person happily played the game on my stall and went to the next one..
In the next stall the event had something to do with Fortune telling...
The Fortune Baba predicted a great a future for the same person for whom I had predicted a Doom !!
What a paradox !! Now the baba was up for some screwing :)
The villager poses a question as to how could he have a great future ahead when an already doomed future was predicted moments ago..and the look on the Face of the Baba(one of our batchmates) was something that we fell laughing while he was at loss of words..
However, without boring you anymore some of the best moments that I could capture during the trip are presented below :
Once again the timing was applicable to the juniors only !! While we turned up at the Bodhi Tree at 6:00 sharp, seniors were caught happily napping :)..
The truck was supposed to be carrying all the Props for the MAXI Fair... Whiny Debayan (now I dint name him that ) turned out to be Maxi Fair's costliest prop :) ...
I tried to hone my fotography skills..turned out to be a damp squib tho :(
My Batchmates looked so energetic after the Bus Journey...I was happy on my ride in the Sumo Behind.. :D
People tried to find excuses to avoid doing that extra work... But i was extremely busy you know..Else who would have caputured them Fraxing ??
*********************************************************************************** Thats GOLA NE BOLA..Not a simple ball game... My Brain Child
Balls of different Sizes were available at this stall....Wonder how they managed those many ???
The stall should have been named : Whose Ball is it anyway :) ?
We never knew Abdul could be so happy while getting kicked..Something new for us as well..
Thats not mine by the way...Still a lot of time to go before I own that..
*********************************************************************************We had forgotten to invite the chief guest...So we let the FRAXers do the inauguration bit :)
********************************************************************************* See him !! He was lost in time....
********************************************************************************* The Biggest Fraxer of All !!